Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR) Service – Health Professionals

Relevant Person's Representative (RPR) Service - Health Professionals:

The role of a Relevant Person's Representative (RPR) is to maintain contact with the person and to represent and support them in all matters relating to the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLs).

RPR can often be a family member or friend of the person. Where there is not an appropriate person available to undertake the role of the RPR then a paid RPR can be appointed through our RPR service.

To discuss a potential referral Tel. 029 2054 0444.

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Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLs) referrals can only be made by the relevant decision maker or a person authorised to make the referral on their behalf. If you are not sure of eligibility, please contact 029 2054 0444.

You can download the form by clicking on the link below. Please complete this form and return it to us by email


Patient Stories

We have supported many clients with Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy. Here are just a few examples, we have anonymised as appropriate.


Not sure which service is right for you?

Our Referral Pathway flowchart will help.

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Advocacy Support Cymru (ASC)

Head Office:
Charterhouse 1, Links Business Park, Fortran Road
St Mellons, Cardiff

Singleton House, Charter Court, Phoenix Way
Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea

Tel : 029 2054 0444
Fax : 029 2073 5620