ASC raising funds to support its activities
Advocacy Support Cymru has begun fundraising! To reduce its reliance on statutory funded contracts in line with the activity of many charities, ASC needs to create a stream of unrestricted income to develop projects that will feed back in and improve its core activity – advocacy.
As part of the development of its new website, ASC will create a new Support Us page which will provide in an easily accessible way the various ways that supporters are able to donate or support ASC.
In order to provide reassurance, ASC has subscribed to the Fundraising Code which will guide all of ASC’s activity in this area. With the forthcoming GDPR in 2018, extra focus will be placed on ensuring that all client data and subscription requests will be held and maintained in the correct ways.
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Advocacy Support Cymru (ASC)
Head Office:
Charterhouse 1, Links Business Park, Fortran Road
St Mellons, Cardiff
Singleton House, Charter Court, Phoenix Way
Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea
Tel : 029 2054 0444
Fax : 029 2073 5620