Case Studies / Community Client C
Community Client C
Client C was discharged from hospital in December 2016 and did not feel that she was adequately supported following discharge. She had a number of additional issues such as Benefits, Housing, Finances and Physical Health which were overwhelming her. Although she received some support from family and friends this was limited due to their work and family commitments.
Barriers faced in being heard:
Client C did not have an understanding of the roles of services (both statutory and voluntary). There was an additional barrier in that C had very little English language skills and was alone at home and therefore unable to communicate with services during work hours.
Advocacy undertaken:
- At the initial meeting the advocate discussed the various issues and options available to the client (all meetings were supported by a translator). Due to this the client was able to decide which services were most suitable in providing support with specific issues and also able focus more clearly on separate issues.
- The advocate supported the client at CTP meetings when a commitment to providing necessary translation services was given
- C was supported to outline her wishes with regard to her care plan.
- On C’s instruction, the advocate also worked with the clients’ support network to review progress in relation to her Care Plan and also requested a change of Social Worker as she had expressed her dissatisfaction with the support provided.
- The advocate has also contacted different agencies to pass on the clients’ wishes and ensured that the client receives regular updates from services.
As a result of advocacy support the client has a greater understanding of the support available to her and feels that she has been able to participate in decisions relating to her.
The client said that she felt that progress, although slow, was being made.