Case Studies / IMHA Client K
IMHA Client K
Client K wanted to return home to England to live near her daughter. K was on a section 3 of the Mental Health Act.
Barriers faced in being heard:
K stated that she wanted to leave hospital and return to her home in England. K stated that the doctor would not let her leave the hospital, despite the fact that K felt well enough to go back home.
K stated that she wanted support to raise her concerns and wanted the IMHA to help K express her wishes to return to England.
Advocacy undertaken:
- The IMHA explained to K that she was currently detained under a section 3 and explained her legal rights to her.
- The IMHA also asked a staff nurse on the ward to explain to K why she was being detained in hospital. K understood that she was receiving treatment for a mental health problem, although K felt that there was nothing wrong with her mentally.
- The staff nurse explained to K that she was due to have a meeting with her doctor the following day where discharge destination would be discussed.
- As the IMHA was unable to attend the meeting, K requested that the IMHA help her to prepare for the meeting in advance.
- The IMHA spent time with K and prepared a written statement which was then handed into staff on K’s behalf. The statement was then read out the following day during the discharge meeting.
IMHA involvement enabled K to ‘’have her say’’ in the discharge meeting. Although K remained on a Section 3, it was decided within the meeting that the long term plan would be for K to move to accommodation in England, closer to her daughter.
K stated that although disappointed with the outcome of the meeting, she found the preparation very beneficial. She was able to put her views and opinions across in writing, rather than speaking in from of the professionals which she would have found daunting.