Case Studies / Learning Disabilities and Autism Advocacy - Client B

LD&AA Client B

Client B initially wanted to move home as unhappy with the support they were getting at a supported living placement.

Barriers faced in being heard:

Client B had a lot of health care and social care professionals involved and due to a learning disability and communication disorder struggled to express views and follow a conversation. Lots of conversations with multiple people were difficult to follow. Client B was easily distracted and moved on to different topics they found more interesting. Client B struggled to stick to the topic of conversation.


Advocacy undertaken:

  • To make sure Client B’s wishes were heard around their move and support.
  • Client B benefitted from having visual aids for communication.
  • Advocate used ‘Talking Mats’ (a communication tool which uses picture symbols) to focus the conversation on where Client B lived.


They were able to put together a list of essentials for Client B in their living placement and care. The list was presented at a best interest meeting. Client B moved to new accommodation more appropriate to their needs.