Leave us a legacy
For over 20 years, Advocacy Support Cymru (ASC) has been supporting people experiencing mental health problems to have a voice.
Advocacy is vitally important.
Our advocates are highly trained and are unequivocal in their role – we represent the clients’ needs and wishes. Being independent, we sit outside the mental health care team and truly reflect the clients' wishes.
As client and advocate, we are able to discuss the rights and options available and together, we will agree actions. If you read just a few of the many comments we have received on Care Opinion, it will illustrate how important the work we do is for our valued clients.
Nobody wants to experience poor mental health. Nobody wants to feel vulnerable or confused when important decisions have to be made. Our work with those experiencing difficulties will continue to be needed, way beyond the length of any funded contract we may be priviliged to hold.
Leaving us a gift in your will would be a wonderful way to ensure that we can continue to empower and give a voice to those experiencing mental health difficulties. Making such a generous decision would be greatly appreciated by all at Advocacy Support Cymru. Rest assured that you will have contributed to the vital work that we do.
Please contact Roger Bassett-Jones for further information - RBassett-Jones@ascymru.org.uk
Not sure which service is right for you?
Our Referral Pathway flowchart will help.
Latest News
National Lottery funding will expand Advocacy Support Cymru’s (ASC’s) Specialist Advocacy for People with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism
ASC’s Service User Programme gets funding help from Welsh Government
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Advocacy Support Cymru (ASC)
Head Office:
Charterhouse 1, Links Business Park, Fortran Road
St Mellons, Cardiff
Singleton House, Charter Court, Phoenix Way
Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea
Tel : 029 2054 0444
Fax : 029 2073 5620
E-mail: info@ascymru.org.uk