Talking Mats

Increasing the capacity to communicate effectively about things that matter.

Talking Mats is an award-winning communication tool that has been based upon extensive research and designed by Speech and Language Therapists. It is a model that utilises unique, specially designed picture symbols that are attractive to all ages and communication abilities. It is used effectively by clinical practitioners, carers and support workers in a wide range of health, social work, residential and education settings. Training is held on two half days over three consecutive weeks.

Date of next course: 17 September & 8 October 2024 in St Mellons, Cardiff 


What is Talking Mats?

Talking Mats is a low-tech, interactive resource that uses three sets of picture communication symbols – topics, options and a visual scale – and a space on which to display them. Further information on how Talking Mats works can be found by clicking here.

Who can attend a Talking Mats course?

Clinical practitioners, carers and support workers regularly attend the Talking Mats course. Whether used for consulting children and young people, used as a stroke communication resource, or used to overcome communication difficulties for people with learning disability or dementia, the Talking Mats communications symbols have proved highly effective.

Depending upon your job role, after attending the Talking Mats course, you will be more able to:

  • Help children and adults to express their feelings or preferences
  • Provide a ‘thinking tool’ to enable people to explore issues and help them to structure and verbalise their thoughts
  • Enable people with a learning disability to understand what is involved in a decision and to then give their opinion
  • Make it easier for people with dementia to keep to topic as a result of Talking Mats’ structured and consistent format
  • Support people with communication difficulties to express negative as well as positive views and reduce the tendency to simply agree
  • Help people more logically organise their thoughts through the act of physically moving the picture symbols.

What are the workshop features?

  • Presentations and guidance from at least one registered Independent Talking Mats trainer. Our trainers are currently two of only three Wales-based registered Talking Mats trainers.
  • The Talking Mats course is held on two half days over three consecutive weeks. This allows for reflection and practical learning between sessions as you will be asked to create a very short presentation, to be sent to us online, to demonstrate understanding.
  • An award-winning communication tool which is specifically low-tech so as to not be intimidating for the child or adult engaging with it.
  • Highly interactive and participative learning sessions.
  • Group discussions that support and reinforce learning.
  • Skills practice and development.
  • Participant materials include a workbook, symbol set, mat and bag. Participants also receive a certificate upon completion of the workshop.

To read more about the Talking Mats course, >>click here

Venue & Dates

Courses will take place for two half days over three consecutive weeks within our training suite in St Mellons, Cardiff. The cost is £175 per person. Our training suite is fully serviced with a kitchen for refreshments, relaxation room and ample free parking.

Next Open Course dates:


Tuesday 17 September & Tuesday 8 October 10am - 1pm both dates

Tuesday 29 October & Tuesday 19 November 10am - 1pm both dates

Venue: ASC Offices in St Mellons, Cardiff

Cost: £190 per person (includes course materials and refreshments). Lunch is not provided on this course.

For further details on how to book or to find out more, email or call us on 029 2054 0444 Places will be confirmed once payment is received.

In-company delivery is available on request (maximum of 8 confirmed participants but names can change up to 24 hours prior to the start of delivery). If you are looking to book more than two places on an open course, please drop us an email or give us a call on 029 2054 0444 to discuss options available.


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Advocacy Support Cymru (ASC)

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St Mellons, Cardiff

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Tel : 029 2054 0444
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